Monday, May 30, 2011

Volunteers bring primary health to Fez residents

Volunteers are a necessary part of civil society and often do not get the recognition they deserve. It is particularly true here in the Fez Medina. The Secouristes Volontaires de Proximité (SVP) are a group of dedicated Fez residents who act as first responders in emergencies such as building collapses or earthquakes. They are also involved in the delivery of preventative health care.

The registration tent

A cafe called Tambokto is unlikely place for a health clinic, but it was there in Fez that hundreds of men, women and children congregated to get free medical check-ups. In attendance were many volunteers and six medical staff including a doctor, an optician and nurses.

Recording names and giving each person a number

After registration outside, the people queued waiting for their number to called. Incredibly, the volunteer team say they should get through 500 check-ups before they close.

Waiting for their number to be called (above)
Inside the volunteers and medical staff prepare (below)

Tests include eyesight checks, diabetes, heart and even blood tests.

It is great work by a dedicated team and they deserve both congratulations and support. Find out more on their website (in French) SVP

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