Saturday, June 04, 2011

The first Pop-up Shop in Fez !

According to all the popular culture gurus, pop-up retailing, also known as pop-up stores (pop-up shops in the UK) or flash retailing, is a trend of opening short-term sales spaces in the United States and the United Kingdom. Well, good for them, but we can report that Morocco now has its first pop-up shop and it's here in the Fez Medina

Fez's first pop up-shop, titled Bedouin Bonbon, has just landed in the Bounania district of Talla K’bira. Open for just 2 weeks, this pop up shop acts as a platform for the art works and jewelry by Sefrou based artist and culture coordinator Jess Stephens.

As Jess explains... "A pop-up retail space is a venue that is temporary — the space could be a sample sale one day and host a private cocktail party the next evening. The trend involves “popping-up” one day, then disappearing anywhere from one day to several weeks later. These shops, while small and temporary, can build up interest by consumer exposure. Pop-up retail allows a company to create a unique environment that engages their customers, as well as generates a feeling of relevance and interactivity."

In this case Bedouin Bonbon participates on a fringe and grass roots level with The 17th Fez Sacred Music Festival, enriching the cultural experience of Fez medina residents and visitors alike. Bedouin Bonbon is open from 10 am to 8 p.m. until the 17th of June only collaborating creative ideas with Moroccan materials.

For a direct line contact Jess on 06 45 22 32 03

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