Saturday, June 04, 2011

Marrakech concert for bomb victims

Fez is not the only place with concerts at the moment, reports our Marrakech correspondant, Kerstin Brand. On 29 May, a month and a day after the explosion in Cafe Argana that stunned Morocco, Marrakech held a concert in memory of the Argana victims and their families at the Circuit de Marrakech.

The concert, Les Voix de la paix (Voices of peace), was a free event although tickets were also available at Dh300 if you wanted to sit right at the stage. The artists included Mory Kante, Hindi Zahra and Idir as well as a fantastic Bollywood dance troupe, Bharati.

Videos conveying heartfelt and supportive messages were sent by big names such as Lionel Richie, Shakira, Youssef Islam (Cat Stevens) and Quincy Jones. Despite the last minute change in venue from Djema el Fna to the Circuit, attendance was high. It was wonderful to see the people of Marrakech coming out in huge crowds to attend this memorable event. A cheque was presented to representatives of the victim's families to the tune of DH3 500 000.

photo: Kerstin Brand

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