Thursday, June 30, 2011

Morocco Referendum: TV debate in the US

Moroccans go to the polls tomorrow, Friday 1 July, to vote in a referendum on the King's proposed new constitution. Moroccans living abroad are also able to vote.

In Washington DC yesterday, the Morocco Board organised a televised debate on the question, where some Moroccan Americans called for a boycott and others plan to vote 'yes'.

The Morocco Board News sends this report:
Mr. Hajjouji Ahmad spoke about the process of producing the new constitution. "This draft is an improvement, no doubt, but this package was put on the table and we were told to vote on it in two weeks, there was essentially no debate, no chance for people with conflicting views to come to the table, and discuss and inform the voters. You want that vote to be based on solid information..."

Mr. Masiky, a writer and a former spokesman for Amnesty International USA, said "the new constitution includes some important reforms that will improve things, particularly reforms relating to Justice, providing that they are implemented properly."

Mr Adil Naji , an entrepreneur and community activist, said "The majority of Moroccans, most political parties, have accepted the new constitution, they want to move forward, they regard this as the foundation for more reforms in the future".

The program was produced by Said Zairi and hosted by Mostapha Saout, editor of the Morocco Board News. The program will be broadcast on line and on Morocco Board TV. You can watch the YouTube video here.

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