Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Think of Morocco - "picture the ruins"!

"When you think of Morocco you immediately picture the ruins, the sandy beach, the camels and the traditional houses. It’s true that this is how most of that area looks like, but there are modern adaptations too. Take for example this spacious house. It’s located close to Sidi Kaouk’s long sandy beach and the surrounding landscape is full of history." -

Believe it or not, but that quote is from a reasonably professional looking design and architecture website. When a colleague brought it to our attention we decided to have a look and decided it was worth sharing. And, for the record, we don't "immediately picture the ruins" when we think of Morocco!

"rather traditional furniture"

The house, with furniture oddly described as "rather traditional but with a modern twist" is situated at Sidi Kaouki, just 27 kilometres south of Essaouira. It has established itself as one of the top windsurfing and surfing venues in Africa and now boasts some pretty decent accommodation. You can see more pics of the house here: HOUSE

See The View from Fez Postcard from Sidi Kaouki here.

The View from Fez "Postcards" - snapshots from around Morocco - are all here: POSTCARDS FROM MOROCCO

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