Saturday, November 05, 2011

Wet Weather in Fez ~ but maybe fine for Eid al-Adha

The expected cold and wet weather arrived as expected, but so far the winds have been a lot more moderate than predicted. The low temperature this morning, of only eight degrees Celsius, was a reminder of just how cool Fez can be. This fact is often lost on tourists who equate the African continent with warm, sunny days. Maybe the weather here is great - compared to Glasgow, Olso or Helsinki- but for really warm days you will probably have to wait until next year.

The one good omen is that the weather charts are showing sunshine for Eid. At the moment the weather gurus have changed from predicting a chill day with rain on Monday, to a sunny nineteen degrees. Inshallah.

In the meantime, if you are heading out tonight you would be advised to take the umbrella.

Umbrella sales are booming

The official prediction for Saturday night is overcast with a chance of rain in the evening, then mostly cloudy with a chance of rain. Low of 6°C. Winds from the WSW at 15-30 km/h. Chance of rain 40% with rainfall amounts near 3.3 mm possible. All of which is good news for the men selling umbrellas.


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