Sunday, December 04, 2011

Fez Magic Down Under

 A large brick wall in a garden in Melbourne, Australia, that adjoins public parkland has been decorated with what looks like an advertisement for our favourite city - Fez. It is not an act of random magic or a cosmic coincidence, but a tribute to Colleen Cassar who runs Roam Like Queens - women's tours of Morocco. The View from Fez asked Colleen to tell us what was behind the wonderful graffiti...

Colleen and her wall
Over the last three years I have made the wall available to young graffiti artists as a legal space for their spray can expression. I love their artwork and am very proud to support them. This piece of work was done one sunny afternoon this October just gone. The crew of artists were new to me. We had never met before and they knew nothing of my ongoing love affair with Morocco. This is what they unknowingly created....."FEZ MADE"!!

So here, on home soil, I have another reminder of the serendipity, magic and portent that so often magically follows me when I visit magnificent and mystical Morocco.

 This year I will celebrate Xmas with my dear friends from the Fes Medina before heading south to do some voluntary work teaching "Fashion ReCyclage" at a women's refuge in Essaouira. And of course, I will also lead my "Roam Like Queens" Womens' Tours in May and June 2012, although Morocco's mystery may take me to places yet unknown and waiting my discovery.

 I wonder what may be "FES MADE" for me? Ever reliable, Fes avails me beautiful friendships, creative inspiration, breathtaking beauty, community, dance and excited anticipation.

For more on Roam Like Queens, click HERE


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