Saturday, December 24, 2011

More Pop-Up Happenings in Fez

The Fez Pop-Up is up and running. If you haven't done so yet, do check out the "SILENT DISCO"! sponsored by the folks from Plan-it Fez. A handful of wireless headphones tuned into the dance/funk set, boom out only to those wearing them, whilst to all those around not a beat is heard - it is a sight to behold. The silent disco takes place at the Pop-Up from 18th to the 31st of December, from 5 – 6 p.m. every day. Don’t miss out on being part of Fez medinas pioneering arts projects.

On Monday the 26th, the Pop-up will showcase DJ Collie Flower playing a slot in the Silent Disco, at 5 p.m.

On Tuesday 27th at 3 p.m. Mohammed Charkaoui, calligraphy and teacher, talks about his work and the relationship between calligraphy and Islam.

Henna artist Leiya will be available on Thursday 29th at 3 - a good way to prepare for 2012!


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