Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pop In To Pop Up In Fez Medina

Jess Stephens and Culture Vultures once again venture into the Fez Medina -  providing an explosion of visual arts and activities in a pop-up art shop. What, for the rest of the year is an discrete hanout on Talla K’bira, selling random items such a football posters, plastic shoes and processed meat, turns into a contemporary pop-up art shop, for two weeks only.

Five artists are on display; three from Fez, ( Omar Chennafi, Mohammed Charcaoui and Hisham Tazi), one from Catalunya (Omar Lula) and Jess who is originally from Wales UK. Mediums cover photography, calligraphy, graffiti and jewellery; all fired and inspired by their immediate surroundings. All art works are for sale.


This pop-up venture is being spiced up by the provision of a silent disco. A handful of wireless headphones tuned into the dance/funk set, boom out only to those wearing them, whilst to all those around not a beat is heard. The silent disco takes place at the pop up from 18th to the 31st of December, from 5 – 6 p.m. every day.

From Boujloud pass the Bouanania Medrassa on you left, go through the tunnel and walk a few minutes along the street of artisanal products. The last hanout of that strip of shops on the right hand side is where you will come across this pop-up venture that opens from 10 – 6 p.m. until the last day of 2011.


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