Monday, December 12, 2011

Tonight: Classical Pianist in the Fez Medina

Spanish concert pianist David Gomez
If you feel in the mood to listen to some exquisite piano playing, then head for Palais Jamais tonight at 7pm. 
This evening, renowned Spanish concert pianist David Gomez will be giving a recital as part of his world tour. He has recently come from Mexico and, after visiting Tetouan and Rabat in Morocco, he will be heading for Cuba, Spain and Honduras.

Born in Spain in 1974, Gomez began playing the piano at the age of eight and gave his first concert at fourteen. He studied in Geneva and Rotterdam and went on to play at grand concert halls, such as the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam and London's St Martin in the Fields. Gomez has received critical acclaim for both his talent in Latin and classical European music. But his first love is still Piazzolla's tangos, such as those he plays on his first album which came out in 1998.  

Tonight Gomez's repetoire is also likely to include Bach, Chopin and Mozart. His performance in Fez is sponsored by the Cervantes Institute. 

When: Tuesday December 13 at 7pm
Where: Palais Jamais


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