Friday, March 09, 2012

Culture Galore in Fez This Weekend

Two shows tonight and tomorrow combine a Moroccan and French influence. 
Tonight at 7pm you can see French theatre company Arts-in-the-Bag Encounters, with their Theatre of Introspection #1.
It's a combination of theatre and an iconoclastic documentary. Alone on the stage a young actress, a Moroccan living in France, questions the men of her native country about what they think of women. Starring Nadia Kaci, the concept and text is by Cristèle Alves Meira & Valerie Maureau. They say it is about "A dialogue with the other, a conversation with oneself, as well as a confession of the absentee."

Tomorrow night at 7pm is a concert by Collective 47, which blends folk and contemporary music, with nine musicians and performers and archival Moroccan images. It's an opportunity to preview the musical part of the new show The Wild Wild West.

Both shows are on at the French Institute, Riad Dar Batha, 15 Salaj, Fes Medina. Info: or 035 63 67 13.


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