Thursday, March 22, 2012

'Les eaux cachées' (Hidden Waters) - Trailer announced in Fez

Filmmaker Joe Lukawski has announced the launch of the first in-progress trailer for his documentary film 'Les eaux cachées' (Hidden Waters), and asks our readers help in getting the word out. The film (52 min.) will tell the story of Fez's waters from the points of view of its 1200 year history, its built heritage, and its enduring traditions to re-valorize water in a time where water is commonly accepted as the worlds next great problematic.

By e-mailing it to your friends and colleagues who may be interested, posting it on facebook, tweeting it, or blogging about it, you can help make the project known, help shape the rest of the production, and help it enter public discourse on water and urban culture.

Below are links to the trailer, one with French and one with English subtitles. Also, if you have a moment, please read a bit more about the project by visiting the film blog.

Trailer (EN)


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