Saturday, April 07, 2012

The Fez Sufi Festival 2012 - Starts Next Week

Just a reminder that the 2012 edition of the Fez Sufi Festival starts next Thursday. The View from Fez will once again be giving the most comprehensive coverage with reviews and other stories. Our Sufi Festival coverage will be headed by Derek Workman who has arrived in Fez and will be report and review on the entire festival.

Here is the Sufi Festival program.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

10am :  Official opening of the Festival
11 am:  Lecture: The literature of hikam in the Sufi tradition.
4pm:    Conference: Hikam and poetry in the work of Muhammad Iqbal.
8.30pm: Concert of the brotherhood "Nidhamouddine" New Delhi: India

Friday, April 13, 2012

10am: Hikam and path of spiritual chivalry (futuwwa).
4pm:   Conference hikam and culture.
8:30 p.m: Samaâ of the Tariqa Khalwatiyya Turkey.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

10am: Conference: "Can one teach knowledge? "
4pm: Roundtable: "From Eva Vitray Meyerovitch reader of Iqbal: Islam in Motion"
8.30pm: Closing Concert: Music and Arab-Andalusian Sufi brotherhoods of Samaâ

Samaâ of the Tariqa Khalwatiyya Turkey

6ième Édition du Festival de Fès de la Culture Soufie

Jeudi 12 avril 2012
10 H : Ouverture officielle du Festival
11 H : Conférence : La littérature des hikam dans la tradition soufie.
16 H : Conférence : Hikam et poésie dans l’œuvre de Muhammed Iqbal .
20H30 : Concert de la  confrérie « Nidhamouddine »  de New Delhi : Inde
Vendredi 13 Avril 2012
10 H : Hikam et voie de la chevalerie spirituelle (futuwwa).
16H : Conférence hikam et culture.
20H30 : Samaâ de la Tariqa Khalwatiyya de Turquie.
Samedi 14 Avril 2012
10H : Conférence : « peut‐on enseigner la sagesse ? »
16H : Table ronde : « De Eva de Vitray Meyerovitch lectrice d’Iqbal : l’Islam en mouvement »
20H30 : Concert de clôture : Musique arabo‐andalouse et Samaâ des confréries soufies du

If you want the latest program for the Fez Sacred Music Festival 2012 in English CLICK HERE


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