Monday, April 30, 2012

Women and the New Media - edited by Fatima Sadiqi - Now Out.

 Women and the New Media in the Mediterranean Region has just been published by Imprimerie des Universités (Fez). The book contains 19 chapters (11 in English and 8 in French) and subdivides into five parts.  Here is the table of contents:

Introduction : Fatima Sadiqi (International Institute For Languages and Cultures & Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco).

Part I: The Ambivalent Impact of the New Media on Mediterranean Women

Chapter 1: The Arab Woman’s Rights and her Images in the Media : Promotion of Gender Away from Sexism : Héla Kochbati (Women’s Studies and Gender Researcher, Tunisia), in French.

Chapter 2: Obstacles to and Victims in Development: the Treatment of Illiterate Women in Arab Media and Society: Melodee Baines and Natalie McGarry (Boren Fellow & Reed College, USA).

Chapter 3: Power and Production of Knowledge: The Case of Moroccan Feminisms : Osire Glacier (Bishop University, Sherbrooke, Canada), in French.

Chapter 4: Women and TICs in Algeria : Malika Akham (Saad Dahlab University, Algeria), in French.

Chapter 5: On Some Linguistic Minorities in North Africa : The Use of TICs in the Expansion of Mother Tongues in the South of Mauritania: Madina Borana Touré (University of Nouakchott, Mauritania) In French

Part II: Women, New Media, and Education

Chapter 6 : From School to Work: Hostile Representations of Women in Computer Science: Isabelle Collet (University of Geneva, Switzerland), in French.

Chapter 7: The Role of Video Games in Educational and Professional Choices : Christine Fontanini (Montpellier 3 University, France).

Chapter 8: Class 2.0 in Ukraine: Gender Analysis: Olena Goroshko (National University, Kkarkiv Polytechnic Institute, Kharkiv, Ukraine).

Third Part: Women, New media, and Activism

Chapter 9: Using New Media to Combat Violence Against Women: Moha Ennaji (International Institute For Languages and Cultures & Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco).

Chapter 10: Advocacy Strategies for Marginalized Women in Morocco :
Christie Edwards (Vital Voices, Washington D.C., USA).

Chapter 11: Iranian Women Transforming Culture, Building Movements, through the Internet: Sussan Tahmasebi (Founder, One Million Signatures to Reform the Family Law, Iran).

Part IV: Women, Literary Production and Blogging

Chapitre 12: Body and Byte: New Media and Live Performance: Faiza Shereen (California State University, Pomona, USA).

Chapter 13: Autofiction on Screen: Self-Representation of Egyptian Women in Literary Blogs: Teresa Pepe (University of Oslo, Norway)

Chapter 14: A Storm in a Teacup: How Could a TV Serial Unveil the Privacy of Ottoman Palaces? Protests, Discussions and Comments: Zehra Handan Salta and Zerrin Yanıkkaya (Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey).

Part V: Women, New Media, and the Arab Spring

Chapter 15: When the Walls are Pulled Down : Arab Women’s Blogs : Chemseddoha Boraki (Abdelmalek Saadi University, Tangiers, Morocco), in French.

Chapter 16: Egyptian Women and the New Media: Mozn Hassan (Nazra Association, Egypt).

Chapter 17: Powering on, powering up the Arab peoples: Internet Technologies and the Arab Spring, The cases of Egypt and Tunisia :
Marlyn Tadros (Northeastern University, Boston, USA).

Chapter 18: The 20 February Movement and the Constitutional Reform in Morocco : A Sufficient Compromise ?” : Sara Borillo (L’Orientale University, Naples, Italy), in French.

Chapter 19: From Keyboard to Megaphone: Facebook and Moroccan Youth Female Activists: Zahir Rahman (Wake Forest University, USA).


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