Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Moroccan Inspired Cocktail Wins in Marrakech

Beldi – David Wolowidnky’s winning cocktail

Bombay Sapphire's World’s Most Imaginative Bartender Competition was held recently in Marrakech. The winner, David Wolowidnyk of Canada was selected from thousands of contestants overall and eight finalists from Canada, Japan, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States. The bartenders took part in a four-day experience, visiting the Moroccan home of one of the Bombay Sapphire botanicals - coriander - and exploring the world of the historic gin.

The finalists
The competition itself took place on the last evening of the experience at the beautiful Dar Sabra villa in Marrakech. Each bartender was tasked with creating their most imaginative cocktail - combining their individual influences with the cultural experiences they had experienced throughout the trip.

Bombay Sapphire Global Brand Ambassador Raj Nagra hosted the competition and commented: "By hand-selecting the most creative talent from behind the bar, the competition not only challenges them, but also aims to support them on their journey to becoming the most imaginative bartenders in the world. Just as Bombay Sapphire is inspired by the infusion of its 10 exotic botanicals, we look to inspire bartenders all over the world."

David was a worthy winner, adding his own unique flair and style to his cocktail, the Beldi. In addition to receiving the "Bombay Sapphire World's Most Imaginative Bartender" title, David also earned a place in the Bombay Sapphire Cocktail Hall of Fame, partaking in various duties, including attending the 2013 opening of the new Bombay Sapphire distillery at Laverstoke Mill in England and becoming part of the Bombay Sapphire World's Most Imaginative Bartender judging panel for next year's competition.

David Wolowidnyk at work in Marrakech

Beldi - David Wolowidnyk's Winning Cocktail Recipe


-- 45ml Bombay Sapphire infused with Moroccan Saffron and Ginseng
-- 20ml Martini Bianco cold steeped with 1 tsp Moroccan Mint Tea and 6-8 fresh mint leaves
-- 15ml Cinnamon/Cassia Syrup
-- 2 dashes Lem-Marrakech Bitters - exclusively produced beforehand by "Kale & Nori"


-- Toasted Moroccan coriander tincture

To garnish

-- Lemon zest, with the star from Moroccan flag cut into it


-- Combine Bombay Sapphire, Martini Bianco, Cinnamon/Cassia Syrup and Bitters
-- Stir with ice in a mixing glass
-- Mist the toasted coriander tincture into the chilled glass
-- Strain into a chilled glass, garnish with a lemon zest and mist tincture again over the surface


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