Thursday, June 14, 2012

Fes Festival - The Bjork Update #2


The buzz about the Bjork concert at the Fes Festival of World Sacred Music, continues to grow. The fact that she has spent several days in Fes and visited the Medina and the Nights in the Medina concerts has endeared her to many.

While Bjork's vocal chord inflammation appears to have been cured, there was some concern about the massive stage set. For some time the container load of equipment was making very slow progress through Moroccan customs in Tangier.

The latest news is that it cleared customs yesterday and set out immediately for Fez. It had been expected to have arrived at midnight on the 13th, but latest reports suggest 9 - 10 pm on 14th - inshallah!

The actual construction of the set will not take place until after the Lotfi Bouchnak and Wadih El Safi concert at Bab Makina. Usually this is a lot of work for the crews but, as Eric Loots, the Fes Festival sound engineer commented, "Bjork is an exception, she brings in her own full production, sound, lighting, video, the whole crew. Plus the main equipment. The only gear of ours they’re using is the speakers. So far that show I am the liaison for her sound guy, Dave Bracaey, it’s my job to make him feel comfortable and to help him in any way I can."

The stage crews, lighting and sound engineers are expected to be working for many hours preparing what should be an amazing spectacle and one the audiences have been hanging out for.

"La tournée Biophilia va reprendre son cours après s’être brusquement arrêtée en avril dernier pour raison médicale, Björk souffrant alors d’une sérieuse inflammation des cordes vocales. Les quelques annulations et les deux mois de repos ont, semble-t-il, été bénéfiques. Aux dernières nouvelles, Björk est au Maroc depuis mardi et, selon le directeur du festival, « tout va bien ! ». Elle se produira au festival des Musiques Sacrées à Fès ce vendredi (15/06), premier concert de la grande tournée estivale." Bjork website
"The Biophilia tour will resume its course after the abrupt halt last April for medical reasons, with Björk having a serious inflammation of the vocal cords. The cancellations and having two months off have been beneficial. The latest news: Björk is in Morocco since Tuesday and, according to festival director, "all is well! ". She will perform at the Festival of Sacred Music in Fez on Friday (15/06), the first concert of the big summer tour." Bjork website


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