Thursday, July 19, 2012

Photographer's Eye on Arab Spring in Morocco

Join Rabat based photographer Daniel Donnelly on Friday July 20 at 5pm as he talks about his work during the Arab Spring. Waiting for Spring has been organised by the ALC-ALIF Photo Club and will include a discussion.

Daniel Donnelly was born in the UK in 1981 and now lives in Rabat.

Since graduating in 2003 with a degree in Cultural Communications he has worked in Egypt, South Korea, India, England, and now Morocco.

Most recently he has been working on documenting change in developing countries and "the displays of power that exist on the streets of these places".

Donnelly was selected by the British Journal of Photography, the Photographers’ Gallery) and Panos Pictures as one of the Magenta Flash Forward Emerging Photographers of 2012.

When: Friday July 20 at 5pm
Where: ALIF Riad, near Batha (If you don't know how to find it, give Omar a call on 065966102.)


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