Monday, August 20, 2012

Fez After Ramadan - The Tourists Return

With the end of Ramadan, the Fez Medina is once again a major tourist destination. During the month of fasting, the tourist numbers were down, but all the indications are that bookings for September and October are solid and already the tourist coaches are bringing day-trippers to the Medina.

Tourists arriving at R'cif ready to enter the Medina

Si Mohammed, who runs a shop specialising in antiques in the Medina is optimistic. "September will be a great month, inshallah," he says, "The weather will be cooler and I hear that the riads are getting good bookings."

Visitors to the Fez Medina are in for a few unusual surprises. In a fit of Eid celebration some of the local fountains have been given an unusual facelift - in pink!

When too much pink is never enough... a fountain in R'cif
There were more surprises on the main streets today. One was that as the temperature hit 41 Celsius, the locals took to their homes, leaving the streets almost deserted. That combined with almost every shop being closed for the Eid holiday, gave Fez the appearance of a ghost town.

A rare sight  - the usually bustling Talaa Sghira empty and closed for the holiday
A young girl dressed in her Eid holiday best

Those local who were out were dressed in their new Eid outfits - especially the children. Another surprise was the sudden sound of trotting horses...

The Talaa Sghira - not usually a street that horses can trot up

Thankfully, with a few exceptions, the tourists were dressed in a respectful way.

Not the best dress code! This  girl had some locals muttering...
More appropriately dressed


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