Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tissa Horse Festival 2012 - Update and Transport Details

Tissa Festival horses - photo Suzanna Clarke
At last we can confirm both dates and transportation details. The festival runs from the 19th of September to the 23rd. The main competition day is the 22nd of September. In addition, on both the 19th and the 23rd there will be souq (market) days in Tissa.
Catch the action - bring your camera! - photo Suzanna Clarke

Getting there

The easiest way to get to Tissa on time for all the action is to catch the bus provided by Plan-it-Fez. The vehicle will depart each day (from the 19th to 23rdSeptember) from Batha (outside Batha Poste) at 7am arriving Tissa at 8am.

For the return journey the bus will be departing Tissa at 3.30pm for arrival in Fez approx 4.30pm.

The price per person is 350 Dirham. Please note: this must be paid in cash. A minimum of five passengers are required for the bus to depart - so make sure you bring your friends!

Most important People MUST book 2 days in advance by emailing Plan-it-Fez.    email:

The action is fast, furious and noisy!  - photo Sandy McCutcheon


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