Friday, December 14, 2012

UNE CHAMBRE ROUGE ~ Musée Batha - Fès

I am in light. I am made of light. The light of others.
I am all the light. I am all these others.
Light; the transparent obstacle that disturbs my sight.
The Queen of all colours.

- Megumi Matsubara

UNE CHAMBRE ROUGE | 8-31 Dec | Musée Batha - Fès

UNE CHAMBRE ROUGE (A RED BEDROOM) is a work by Megumi Matsubara inspired by and dedicated to the Fès Medina. It comprises photography, text and music. The exhibition takes place as part of the 6th Rencontres International de La Photo de Fès. The project is  produced with the support of Institut Francais de Maroc.

Megumi Matsubara is a delightfully complex individual whose art, in all its forms is both stimulating and challenging. From her larger architectural works to he small works of poetry, she never fails to move, challenge and inspire.

Megumi Matsubara works individually as an artist and collectively as an architect through Assistant, an international and interdisciplinary design practice that she co-founded with Hiroi Ariyama in 2002. Based on an architectural approach and inspired by urban environments, she composes spatial narratives combining the use of diverse media such as installation, sound, photography and texts. Through constantly rearranging the existing environments, her works challenge the balance between presence/absence.

Red Bedroom Dreaming...

In autumn 2012, Matsubara spent one night in an empty ruined palace where she had a dream of a red bedroom. Searching for the meaning of the colour in the dream, she asked the blind and visually-impaired students in Fès to describe how they imagined the colour red. In the meanwhile, she stayed overnight in the red salon of Palais Mokri to document the varied states of red in constant change by photography.

The students at the blind school have been on strike to claim their rights during the months that Matsubara was conducting conversations. Based on the theory of Andalusian oud  that relates colours to the tones of music, the collected voices and essays about red written in Arabic Braille were translated into music.

The photographic installation at Musée Batha will be accompanied by an oud concert at the blind school - Institut Mohamed 5, as well as an artist talk and sound intervention at Le Cube - independent artspace in Rabat. The project is a reversed sequel to the artist's solo exhibition RÊVEURS RÊVE RÊVES (DREAMERS DREAM DREAMS) at La Maison de La Photographie de Marrakech in June 2012.

Program Details:
8-31 Dec: Photo installation at Musée Batha, Fès - 6th Rencontres International de La Photo de Fès
18 Dec 19h30: Une soirée avec Megumi Matsubara at Le Cube moderated by Colette Apelian (art historian) followed by 1-week intervention
21 Dec 15h00: Oud music workshop & concert at Institut Mohamed 5 for the blind and visually-impaired, Fès

The program is presented with the support of:
Institut Francais de Fès, Pola Art Foundation, Institut Mohamed 5 pour La sauvegarde des Aveugles, Palais Mokri, Le Cube

Photograph of Megumi Matsubara by Sandy McCutcheon. All other photos by the artist.


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