Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Fes Festival of Sufi Culture 2013 ~ Photo Essay

The Fes Festival of Sufi Culture 2013, was one of the best to date. The audiences were huge for the evening concerts and the Round Table discussions were popular and well attended. The local Moroccan population crowded in every evening with the only downside being the small size of the venues

Festival Director, Faouzi Skali and his team are to be congratulated for a great festival and we look forward to 2014.

The Batha Museum venue was once again a wonderful place to experience the festival 

An added touch of incense

Whirling dervishes - a Turkish delight

And to finish off --- sprinkle with rosewater 

Local Moroccan women getting into the spirit of the festival 

The youngest Sufi munshid (singer) yet! 

Star quality - Marouane Hajji during a rehearsal

When one oud is never enough ...

The Sheik rocks at the centre of the dervishes

Palestinian singer 

Lively discussion at a Round Table

A deservedly happy Faouzi Skali

Photographs: Suzanna Clarke and Sandy McCutcheon
(Click on any photograph to enlarge)

See our full Sufi Festival coverage

Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Day Six
Day Seven
Final Night 

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