Friday, April 26, 2013

Fez Students Join Global Youth

On Friday April 26, members of the American Language Center's Community Service Club visited children in Ibn Al Khatib hospital in Fez, distributing soft toys and roses, as part of Global Youth Service Day 

The ALC Community Service Club was the first group in Morocco to join what has become a huge movement, where young people show their caring for the community by initiating projects to help others.

Club member Sohaima Lahmine talks to a mother and child in the hospital

This year is the 25th anniversary of the popular Global Youth Service Day event, which runs from April 26 to 28 and is observed in 106 countries by groups participating in more than 4,000 projects.

A young patient discusses names for her new turtle with Club member Badr Najri

During their two hour visit, ALC Club members also chatted with the children, their mothers and staff, who clearly appreciated the thoughtful gesture.

“I feel very good and satisfied making others smile,” said ALC student Zakia El Youbi. “When you make others happy, then you smile as well.”

Doctors and nurses in the Children’s Wards at Hospital Ibn Al Khatib
Stephen Bryant (second left) and ALC Community Service Club Cordinator
 Angela Bryant (fourth right) with students from the ALC Community Service Club
For further info: Facebook group Community Service Club – Operation Reach Out

Global Youth Service Day

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