Thursday, June 06, 2013

Palais Mokri and the Sinéanglo Artists During Fes Festival

Palais Mokri will be featuring an exhibition and show by Michel D'yve. The venture will present a collaborative mural and "the Muzoo". The Muzoo (a contraction of ‘museum’ and ‘zoo’) is a travelling museum presented by a group of artists called Sinéangulo. It was initiated by the Caza de Oro artist’s residence in Ariege, in the French Pyrenees. Le Muzoo moves between the UK and Morocco, and will be pitching its tent at the Palais Mokri during the Sacred Music Festival.

The Sinéangulo artists group was founded some time ago on the banks of the Niger, the product of a meeting between travellers from Gibraltar, Morocco and Mali. As they describe it, "Sinéangulo is made up of about sixty artists both professional and amateur (with no distinction between them), musicians and fine artists from Africa, Europe and elsewhere. Sinéangulo is not an artists’ collective and in fact has no definite programme or manifesto; it’s more of a spiritual state that invites creators with diverse artistic talents to return to experimentation; a spiritual state arising out of a mélange of the curiosity, research and cross-disciplinary experience of each person. The objective is to master the contingencies of today’s innovations.

A new generation of artists has begun to re-think our world, allowing us to rediscover the physical world and analogue creation. The purpose of Sinéangulo is to integrate with, to graft onto and to fuse with complementary entities to allow the creation of simple art".

The Mural

The mural will be created on the arcade wall of Palais Mokri and throughout the festival, the public will be able to watch the development of a mural created in the spirit of Sinéangulo.

Where to find Palais Mokri

Artists invited to contribute to the mural include Youssef el Yedidi, fine artist known for his murals (for example, at Asilah) who regularly exhibits in Europe. He says that he comes from the strait, a nod to his dual nationality of Moroccan/Spanish. His work is tinged with humanism and wavers between graphic and organic.

Aziz Amrani , art teacher from Chefchaouen. In his painting, Amrani retraces the roots of calligraphy. This action translates into immediate action, making us oscillate between a state of contemplation and that of primordial energy. Amrani believes that the experience of painting is just as important as the physical work.

Charley Case, rambling artist from Brussels, sings of his connection to the world through his drawings. We recognise the characters from his brush strokes that he develops with a tree-like structure. His work materials are simply a brush and a pot of Chinese ink.

On the evening of the opening( friday 14 th at 18:00) the completed fresco will be revealed, with a show of Tanger stylist Salima Abdel Wahab. The fabrics and clothes are created and designed by Sinéangulo.

The film "Le regard Aveugle" de Fayçal Bentahar will also be playing during the night.

Famed Japanese artist and poet, Megumi Matsubara 

I am in light. 

I am made of light. 
The light of others.I am all the light. 
I am all these others.
Light; the transparent obstacle that disturbs my sight.
The Queen of all colours - Megumi Matsubara.

Guest Artist, the wonderful Megumi Matsubara, will be joining Sinéangulo artists, Youssef el Yedidi, Aziz Amrani, Salima Abdel-Wahab and Charley Case, for this adventure.

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