Saturday, July 06, 2013

Daylight Saving Reminder - Morocco goes back an hour

The wonderfully named "Ministry of Public Modernisation" in Morocco has just confirmed what everyone suspected - Ramadan can not handle daylight saving. Yes, once again during the month of Ramadan Morocco returns to GMT. The Ministry announced today that from from July 7 to August 10 the time will shift back an hour.

This is despite advice that the transition to summer time would have saved 90 megawatts per day and about 262 million dirhams, or consumption of a city like Meknes .

So, from July 7, make a note to turn you clocks and watches back 60 minutes from 3 am. (Just to be clear, 3 am will become 2am!).

It is also important to check your airline flights as several times in the past people have missed flights because either they or the airline was not up to speed on the proclamations from the Ministry of Modernisation.
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