Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Picturing Fez: Afoot with the Fes Photography Workshop 2013

The souks and streets of Medina Fez are a paradise of imagery for photographers. Nuances of light and colour dance from narrowly separated walls and activity waxes exotic at nearly every corner.

Such was the stage too for the Fez Photography Workshop’s week-long debut in June. The co-creation of photographer and Photojournale founder/photographer, John Horniblow and Corbis Images photographer and founder of The Compelling Image, David Bathgate, the workshop took participants a step beyond what typically picture snappers capture. 

At invitation, photographers went behind closed doors bordering the 9th-century medina’s maze of passageways to document life and living areas within. The result was a photographic “slice of life” that most foreign visitors never get a glimpse of, let alone record with their cameras.

But pictures didn’t stop at the medina gates. They extended to the New City, where the lens of one workshop photographer turned on a busy martial arts studio. What he came away with was a vivid portfolio of youngsters and adults - male and female, captured in a flurry of disciplined movement and mental concentration - all in 35mm form.

From a comfortable base at the Dar Finn in the heart of the old city, there were few free moments. Between street photography, scheduled shoots, instructor presentations and lively discussion wherever and whenever possible, June 15 - 21 flew past like a magic carpet. In finale, work produced was in-depth, stunning and the “vibe” enthusiastic - right to workshop end.

For information on next year’s Fez Photography Workshop, and others offered by Morocco Photography Expeditions, visit their website and become a Facebook friend    


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1 comment:

  1. a prayer room required in universities? Strange how the moroccan government is forcing the islam on their people. Islam shouldn't be a required element in schools and universities, but instead good teachers, books and the freedom to choose your own religion and believes. As a moroccan (and christian) I found it quite strange that the government is checking the schools to make sure that they do'nt spread christianity. At the same time an arabic prayer room is required. In europe the moslims demand the freedom of religion, but this doesn't count for the christians or non believers in moslim countries.
