Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Morocco's Hoceima Mediterranean Festival - Eighth Edition

The eighth annual Mediterranean Festival of Hoceima, the Moroccan coastal city, will focus on the theme 'Culture as a Booster for Development', in the belief that culture is a prime driver of progress. 

The festival runs from August 12 through August 17 and will include many concerts, conferences and workshops.

Cheb Khaled - the king of Rai

The aim of the festival is to foster the importance of the event as a platform for tolerance and co-existence in the Mediterranean. In addition to numerous Moroccan performing artists, there will also be well-known musicians from the wider Mediterranean area, including Bilal, Bigg, and the star of the festival, Algerian king of Rai music Cheb Khaled, who will be performing songs from his latest album 'C'est la Vie...'.

There will also be international stars from France, Spain, and Georgia. ''By placing value on our local and national artists,'' the event's organisers, members of the Rif Association of Solidarity and Development (ARID), told local media, ''we can enhance our local cultural heritage and integrate it into all development strategies."

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