Tuesday, August 13, 2013

On the Lighter Side ~ The Perils of "Google Translate" and other stories

With thanks to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Alcool-Contrebande. La gendarmerie royale attaque une distillerie clandestine d’alcool. Une escouade de la gendarmerie royale en poste à Oulad Taima dans la province de Taroudant, a opéré une attaque dans une ferme où était installée une distillerie clandestine de spiritueux. La ferme en question est située au Douar Riyayna , à quelques 15 Km d’Oulad Taima.
The quotation above came to our attention not because of its news value to people interested in Morocco and Moroccan culture, but because when we first read it it had been automatically translated into English. Which would have been fine if the translation had not come up as...
Alcohol smuggling. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police attack an illegal alcohol distillery. A squad of mounted police stationed in Oulad Taima in the province of Taroudant, has made ​​an attack on a farm which was located a clandestine distillery spirits. The farm in question is located at Douar Riyayna
Our Canadian readers will no doubt be pleased to see that their famous Royal Canadian Mounted Police, still get their man - even if he's in Morocco. According to media sources "the Royal Canadian Mounted Police seized 22 tons of fermented figs, 2 tons of alcohol fig, 52 kg of cannabis, 4 kg of tobacco, plus a car and various utensils used for fermenting figs alcohol to extract and store".

And then there was the case of the "Unusual Ram - Transient birth in flight Casablanca-Bologna"

At first glance one might have suspected an international sheep smuggling scam... but no, after returning to the French text we discovered it to be the heart warming and reasuring story about the skills of Royal Air Maroc cabin crews.

For your pleasure we have the exact Google Translate item as it first appeared.

Unusual Ram: Transient flight Royal Air Morocco Casablanca connecting to Bologna (Italy) last Sunday, gave birth in flight a baby male, it was learned Monday from the national company, ensuring that the baby and mom are "healthy." Aged 39 years, the woman had felt the first contractions a few minutes after takeoff. Commander  had decided, as a precaution, to divert the flight to Barcelona, ​​said a statement from RAM. Cabin crew (flight purser), assisted by a passing (midwife by profession), performed the operation "successfully a few seconds before landing," the company said. The baby and the mother, who was "in good health", were quickly transferred to San Joan de Deu Hospital, "through the effective involvement of local Royal Air Morocco to Barcelona airport and health services the Catalan city, "Does it shows. The plane resumed its flight to Bologna 50 minutes after landing in Barcelona. The hostesses and stewards of the national company are trained in different techniques of medical intervention, including delivery operations, the source said.

Royal Air Maroc Bans Saudi Diplomat

It is also reassuring to know that Royal Air Maroc, can not only deliver your baby in flight (thanks to a "passing midwife") - but will also protect you from inebriated Saudi diplomats.
A Royal Air Maroc (RAM) pilot banned a Saudi diplomat from boarding. The plane linking Doha to Casablanca, had made ​​a stop at Houari Boumediene airport in Algiers, where the Saudi diplomat and a 'friend" wanted to travel Casablanca. Media sources reported that the RAM pilot had been alerted by the crew that the Saudi was in a state of high intoxication and unsteady, and warned that he might cause inconvenience to other passengers during their flight to Casablanca. The same sources said the Saudi created a scandal at Algiers airport, following the ban, but he had to resign himself to the intransigence of the RAM pilot. Thankfully the RAM pilot complied with the protocols provided in this kind of situation, because the mental state of the passenger, severely degraded by intoxication, was a risk to flight safety and passenger.

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