Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Photo of the Day

"A jedi, glowing in the light, strong in the force, walking through an ancient dark world, where people only exist in the shadows" 

photographer: Flemming Bo Jensen

The ancient cobbled streets of the Medina in Fes, Morocco, with it’s whirlwind of people, scooters, wheel barrows and donkey carts running up and down narrow streets, is a fascinating place to explore. One of the world’s oldest medieval cities, founded in the 9th century, the narrow streets lend themselves to some surreal shafts of light in the afternoon. A man dressed in a white djellaba suddenly steps out right in front of me, coming from a tiny side street into the blinding light that illuminates him. He looks like a jedi, glowing in the light, strong in the force, walking through an ancient dark world, where people only exist in the shadows. - Journal of photographer Flemming Bo Jensen

Formerly the head of IT in an agency in the Danish Government, and unable to shed the long held dream of growing up to be Luke Skywalker, Flemming Bo Jensen left Copenhagen and his job in 2009, and took off around the world living on the road as a gypsy, photographer, time-traveler, jedi.

Flemming is currently working on a wide ranging photography project of documenting his own experience as a global gypsy. Photography is his primary form of creative expression, as it allows him to fuse his own perspective (imaginary or otherwise) with the real world as he experiences it, within the frame of a moment. He is also an aspiring filmmaker and writes about his ongoing gypsy journey on his blog.

See more in the series "Photo of the Day"

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