Friday, January 17, 2014

Cultural Talk - Friday Night in Fez

The French Institute in Fez is hosting an interesting discussion with Kenza Sefrioui tonight (January 17) at the Media Institute.

Freelance journalist, Kenza Ssfeioui wortked for five years on the Moroccan literary magazine Le Journal hebdomadaire. She now works at Babelmed - a site on Mediterranean cultures. Babelmed campaigns for cultural development of literary cafes in Casablanca and Rabat. She works with other cultural actors, writing on the state of culture in Morocco with the support of the Moroccan Ministry of Culture.

Contact: French Institute: 33, Rue Loukili, BP 2277, Fes. Tel: 0 5 35 62 39 21/62 35 40 / Fax: 0 5 35 62 52 03
Language Tuition 12, Rue Serghini, BP 2277, Fes. Tel: 0 5 35 62 41 49 / Fax: 0 5 35 62 56 65
Riad Dar Batha: 15, Salaj, Fes Medina. Tel: 0 5 35 63 67 13

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