Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Lecture: Family Values in Morocco

Fez academic Saddiq Raddad gives a lecture on Thursday on the ways in which family values are crucial to our understanding of the tensions and transformations in Moroccan society, as an Arab-Islamic country, especially within the context of globalization

The ALIF Fes lecture will outline the cultural and social developments in a country in which Islam (both as religion and culture) is central to the family, tribal, and national institutions. The argument this lecture advances is that in spite of the remarkable impact of industrialization, modernity, migration, colonialism, education, literacy, and globalization, Morocco is still anchored in traditional forms of family and social values.

When: Thursday, January 9th, 6:15 PM

Where: Annex Auditorium
22 Rue Mohamed Diouri, across from the ALC/ALIF

Cost: FREE

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