Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Fes Festival of Sufi Culture 2014 ~ Provisional Programme

The eighth edition of the Fez Sufi Festival takes up from April 12th to 19th 

"In the footsteps of Ibn Arabi"

Provisional Programme

Saturday, April 12, 2014:
14H (Musée Batha)
Opening of the Festival:
Overview of the Festival theme by Faouzi Skali, followed by a concert of Samaa.

21H Concert (Musée Batha):
Part 1: Curro Piñana (flamenco songs and poems of Ibn Arabi) and Marouane Hajji (Spain / Morocco)
Part 2: Hamam Khairy: Spiritual Muwashahat of East and West (Syria)

Marouane Hajji 
Sunday, April 13, 2014:
10H (Musée Batha)
Roundtable: Tribute to Suad El Hakim

16H (Musée Batha)
Roundtable: In the Footsteps of Ibn Arabi

21H Concert (Musée Batha):
Samaa the Tariqa Qadiriyya Boutchichiyya and Tariqa Siqilliyya (Morocco)

Tariqa Siqilliyya

Monday, April 14, 2014:
10H (Musée Batha)
Roundtable: Biography of Ibn Arabi

16H (Musée Batha)
Roundtable: Presentation of the work of Ibn Arabi

21H Concert (Musée Batha)
Samaa the Tariqa Charqawiyya (Morocco)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014:
10H (Musée Batha)
Roundtable: Female Figures of Ibn Arabi
16H (Musée Batha)
Roundtable: The Way of the Futuwwa in the work of Ibn Arabi

21H (Musée Batha)
Projection Film Nacer Khemir "Looking for Muhyiddin"

Wednesday, April 16, 2014:
10H (Musée Batha)
Roundtable: Ibn Arabi in Fez; rehabilitation of his place of residence, the Al Azhar

16H (Musée Batha)
Roundtable: The influence of the thought and work of Ibn Arabi Mashreq Maghreb

21H Concert (Musée Batha)
Samaa the Tariqa Qadiriyya BiH

Thursday, April 17, 2014:
10H (Musée Batha)
Roundtable: The poetic work of Ibn Arabi

16H (Musée Batha)
Roundtable: Ibn Arabi and the Religion of Love

8:30 p.m. Concert (Musée Batha):
Samaa the Tariqa Khalwatiyya Turkey

Friday, April 18, 2014:
10H (Musée Batha)
Roundtable: Qur'anic exegesis and Hadith by Ibn Arabi

16H (Musée Batha)
Roundtable: Contemporary Presence of the work of Ibn Arabi

21H Concert (Musée Batha):

Part I: Ensemble Al Firdaus with Ali Keeler
2th Part: Samaa Wazzaniyya the Tariqa - Harraqiyya (Morocco)

Saturday, April 19, 2014:
10H (Musée Batha)
Roundtable: Towards the establishment of a University of Sufi Culture

16H (Musée Batha)
Roundtable: General Summary of the Symposium

21H Concert (Zalagh Parc Palace Hotel)
Evening of Samaa, songs and Arab-Andalusian music: Abderrahim Souiri Mohammed Bajeddoub, Marwan Hajji Mohammed Bennis and Abdelfatah Said Chraibi Accompanied by the Andalusian Orchestra Music Mohammed Briouel.

Many speakers and participants from Morocco and elsewhere have been approached, including (in order alphabetical): Leili Anvar, Jamal Amrani, Michael Barry, Pablo Benito, Nezha Berrada, Chaâbi Faysal HassanChodkiewicz, Jane Clark, Suad El Hakim, Thami El Harrak, Eric Geoffroy, Denis Gril, Cazim Hadzimejlic Touria Ikbal Jaafar Kanssousi Layla Khalifa, Nacer Khemir, Prince Rudolf of Lippe Souada Maoulainaine Abdelwahab Meddeb, Nadija Mehadji Abdelbaki Miftah, Sheikha Nur, Abdellah Ouazzani, Abdussamad Antonio Romero, Lahcen Sbai, Ibrahim Sy Savane, Salamatou Sow ...

Photos: Sandy McCutcheon and Suzanna Clarke

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