Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sex Education to Come to Moroccan Schools

On Thursday in Rabat the Minister Delegate to the Minister of National Education and Vocational Training, Abdelaâdim El Guerrouj and CEO of Procter  & Gamble, Omar Channawi, signed an agreement for the implementation of a new national programme dedicated to promoting education in reproductive health

Morocco World News also covered the story and reports that the Moroccan Ministry of National Education and Moroccan Modern Industries (IMM), a subsidiary of multinational holding Procter & Gamble, signed the agreement for the implementation of a new program to teach sex education in Moroccan schools in order to raise students’ awareness on healthy hygienic practices and the importance of sex education.

The same source added that the agreement, signed on the 15th anniversary of the partnership between the Department and P & G, also aims to inform, sensitize and educate young students in hygiene practices and develop their skills to adopt attitudes to face the problematic health situations, including those relating to puberty, AIDS, early marriage and family planning.

Sex education, common in Western countries, is a set of lessons that help equip young students with the skills necessary to deal with the physical changes they undergo during puberty, the risks of unprotected sexual practices and the diseases that can be transmitted through casual sexual intercourse.

While sex education is part of the curriculum in Western schools, it remains a controversial issue in several countries, including Morocco.

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