Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Moroccan News Briefs #113

Moroccan TV pushes for better representation of women

The Moroccan channel 2M recently unveiled a  charter which it has established, for the enhancement of the image of women in the media. Recognizing that in the media in general does not adequately reflect the role of women in society, and diversity of responsibilities they assume, 2M has established an ad hoc committee that has worked for nearly a year with the various stakeholders, in a participatory and innovative approach .

This helped develop a a pilot project aimed at creating a positive ripple effect on to other media.

According to Salim Sheikh , CEO of 2M, "the persistence of negative female stereotypes in the media is an obstacle to self-esteem and promoting the rightful place of women in Moroccan society".

"2M , by its historical role as citizen chain and its status as a major public media leader, a pioneer role in the field of promoting gender role . It is a long process that requires the involvement of everyone, " he said.

Moroccan women occupy leadership responsibilities in the media. In fact, over 40 % of journalistic body 2M is composed of women. They also benefit from encouraging visibility with more than 40 % of transmissions broadcast being dedicated to women.

Fighting for gender equality in Morocco

Morocco World News reports that over the weekend Moroccan women organized a March in Rabat to denounce the government’s lack of will to implement the provisions of the constitution on gender equality.

Moroccan women organized the march in Rabat

Between 1,000 and 1,200 people marched on Sunday morning in Rabat in response to the call launched by Civil Coalition for the Implementation of Article 19 in the Moroccan Constitution. Demonstrators, who came from all corners of the country, including from distant cities such as Laayoune and Guelmim, denounced Benkirane government’s policy that “blocks the establishment of legal mechanisms guaranteeing the rights of women,” particularly those contained in Article 19 of the Constitution. Demonstrators demanded the elimination of all forms of violence and discrimination against women and girls.

Article 19 of Moroccan Constitution, adopted by referendum in July 2011, clearly calls for gender equality and yet its implementation is taking very slow steps.

Article 19 states that: “Men and women have equal civil, political, economic, social, cultural and environmental rights and freedoms as listed in this article and in the rest of the constitution as well as the conventions and international treaties duly ratified by Morocco in conformity with the constitution’s provisions and the kingdom’s constants and its laws. The state shall work towards the establishment of parity between men and women. Therefore, it has assigned a specialized authority to ensure parity between men and women and fight against all forms of discrimination.”

Tourism represent 9.7% of GDP in 2024

According to a new 2014 report: "The economic impact of tourism and travel" by the WTTC (World Travel and Tourism Council ), tourism and trips to Morocco will grow significantly in 2014.

Tourism's direct contribution to GDP accounted for 76 1 billion dirhams, or $ 9.5 billion ( 8.6% of total GDP) in 2013 and is expected to increase 8.1% this year. This share would experience an average annual growth rate ( CAGR ) of 5.6% between 2014 and 2024 to represent term 141 500 000 000 dirhams ( DH), or 9.7 % of GDP.

The tourism sector had a direct workforce of 814,000 people in 2013, or 7.6 % of total employment. This contribution is expected to increase 6.1% in 2014 and 2.7% annually to 2024, to reach 1.13 million direct jobs (8.8% of total employment).

For indirect jobs, the WTTC expects an increase of 6.4 % in 2014, 1.91 million jobs. In the coming 10 years, 1.31 million indirect jobs will be created thanks to tourism and travel .

District Police in Casablanca nab a gang of scammers

National Brigade of the PJ in this Casa have caught a gang, reported to be the authors of many scams. These alleged suspects were arrested in possession of numerous falsified documents and hardware ( a scanner), says a police source. This band of seven alleged crooks has been raging across the country and scammed finance companies.

The seven under police guard

Their technique: after falsifying documents, including identity cards, the crooks have created "fictitious" companies with business registers also falsified. With these documents they managed to deceive banks into giving credit for the acquisition of luxury cars.

Though captured in Casablanca, the leader of the "mafia network" is from the south. He is said to be an expert in document forgery.

 "The members of this criminal gang admitted falsifying a dozen cards to date. With these false documents, the suspects were able to create 14 companies and build business registers to obtain bank loans. This allows them to feed an underground pathway for acquisition of luxury cars (twenty) they flowed thereafter at ridiculously low prices,  says the local Police Chief

Subjected to intensive interrogations, the suspects have admitted the facts alleged against them.

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