Saturday, August 01, 2015

King Mohammed VI Announces 50 billion Initiative

An important initiative announced by King Mohammed VI in his Throne Day speech addresses Morocco's social disparities

In his speech the previous year the King had diagnosed the problems of slow development. Twelve months later and again on the occasion of the Throne Day, the monarch announced the launch of a major project to upgrade remote areas in the "the Atlas and Rif, arid Saharan areas and oases, as well as some villages in the plains and on the coast."

This is the second phase of the National Human Development Initiative and in this pre-election period, the King was keen to announce this project himself so as to avoid political parties claiming it in their campaigns.

The King has revealed that a study entrusted to the Ministry of Interior has identified more than 29,000 areas in 1272 towns, suffering from a deficit in "infrastructure and basic social services in both fields of education and health, as well as improvements being needed to water, electricity and rural roads". The Department of the Interior report covers areas with over 12 million citizens.

The King has announced a budget of 50 billion dirhams to continue the National Human Development Initiative.

It is an ambitious program that should last several years. Its success depends on the development by the government of a "comprehensive action plan, based on partnership between the different ministries and institutions concerned, to find the means of project financing and set a timetable accurate for their implementation, "said Mohammed VI.

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