Friday, September 18, 2015

"Babysitting" Your Sheep Until Eid

In a follow up to our story about sheep and Eid - Everything You Need To Know - a reader asked how people in big cities cope with looking after sheep. Good question, and, thankfully, we found the answer. In Casablanca there is now available a babysitting and dispatch service for your sheep

If you live in a small inner-city apartment, you can buy your sheep on line at and then get it delivered to «Casablanca Prestations» a company that specialises in "lamb hosting". Not only will they feed and look after your sheep, but come Eid, they will arrange the slaughter for you. In short, they will do everything except cook and eat it for you!

The new service is provided by the local slaughterhouse who say this initiative has been launched for the sake "of hygiene and environmental protection."

Yes, you can buy your sheep on line

«Casablanca Prestations» explain that the space is limited. Sheep are kept for 20 dirhams a day and the slaughtering operation will be charged at 200 dirhams. A number for booking is 05 20 22 23 92/93.

In other areas, the main supermarkets are selling sheep and will look after them until Eid.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, sheep supply exceeds demand this year. The market has 8.8 million head while demand is estimated at 5.3 million, according to Agriculture Minister Aziz Akhannouch. A turnover exceeding 10 billion dirhams to benefit rural areas should be generated during the festival.

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