Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Moroccan Photo of the Day - Rose Button

The photograph was taken by Rose Button who has embarked on a marvellous project to enhance the health of the donkey population of Moulay Idriss

(Click image to enlarge)

Returning from a morning walk in Moulay Idriss Rose Button came across this donkey, owned by Safi Ali, who is a regular at the Dar Zerhoune donkey day. Each month they fund veterinary care of the donkeys of Moulay Idriss and so far have more than seventy-one donkeys treated. The next donkey day is 11 October.

 More information can be found on www.darzerhoune.com or www.facebook.com/darzerhoune

See more of our Photo of the Day series here: Moroccan Photo of the Day

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