Tuesday, September 15, 2015

New Mayor to Focus on the "Disadvantaged" in Fez

Driss El Azami, the newly elected mayor of Fez, intends to focus on "disadvantaged" neighbourhoods and to mobilise investors to become involved with the city

The new mayor of Fez and current Minister in the PJD  government is well placed to attract investors as he is presently in charge of the government budget. Driss El Azami, gave an outline of his policy vision for Morocco's spiritual and intellectual capital. In an interview on Tuesday, September 15, El Azami said he intended to focus on "marginal areas" and to restore investor confidence.

"I will give investors confidence and will resolve any security problems experienced by the city," he announced.

However, his main thrust, to upgrade the poorer areas, has been widely welcomed in Fez.

"The six districts of the city are very far from enjoying the same means as the city centre," he said. He says he wants to "mobilise the financial, human resources of the city". He also stressed that he intends to seek out and halt the "improper use" of these resources.

Driss El Azami was humble when asked about his victory over Hamid Chabat.  He said he feels that the election was not "a single ballot" but a "referendum on the popularity of political parties and  "a victory for the party" more than his person.

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