Monday, October 12, 2015

Ethical Tourism and Generosity Benefit Medina Children's Library

The American travel organisation, Spiced Destinations recently brought a small tour group to Morocco. On their visit they took part in a fund raising lunch for the Fez Medina Children's Library.

After a Medina tour and a visit to the library, the group had a lunch hosted at Riad Zany (home of The Vew from Fez) and a tour of the house featured in Suzanna Clarke's A House in Fez. Prior to embarking on their visit to Morocco Spiced Destinations had given every member of the group a copy of the book.

Riad Zany was the venue for the fundraising lunch

Spiced Destinations organise tours all over the world and stand out from a majority of travel companies because of their belief in ethical tourism.

Their generosity on this occasion was a welcome boost to the fundraising for the Medina Children's Library.
"The savvy travellers of the 21st century require more than just sightseeing. They look for experiences. They want to meet the local people and observe their rituals and even their day-to-day life’s habits. They also want to leave a positive impact and to know that their trip may have benefited some challenged local communities.” ~ Eitan Silberberg, Founder of Spiced Destinations

Suzanna Clarke and young son, Zaki, with the group

Read more about the library here: Medina Children's Library

Phone: 06 60 12 44 40 or 06 77 31 39 04

Storyteller Aicha Morelli at the Medina Children's Library 

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1 comment:

  1. The Spiced Club Group was truly touched by their visit to the Childrens Library and appaulds the efforts of all of those involved in such a worthy project! We would also like to thank Suzanna and her husband Sandy for opening up their lovely home...your gracious hospitality was truly appreciated and the opportunity to see "A House in Fez" come alive was a highlight of our trip to Morocco!
    Warm regards ~ Eitan Silberberg, President of Spiced Destinations
