Monday, October 05, 2015

French-Style Street Theatre ~ in a Truck!

As part of the France-Morocco Cultural Season 2015, the French Institute is presenting a piece of street theatre - Street of Thieves - directed by Bruno Thircuir with the company La Fabrique des Petites Utopies 

The piece is based on the novel Street Thieves by Mathias Énard. The performance takes place on Friday the 9th and Saturday the 10th of October at 7pm.

The presentation, unusually for so-called street theatre, takes place at Place Boujloud in a truck with capacity for 100 seats. The presentation which runs for an hour and twenty minutes is recommended for children over the age of thirteen.

Bruno Thircuir

Street of Thieves is built like a huge flashback, in which the audience follow Lakhdar, a young Moroccan whose thirst for life leads him on a journey with no return.

He recounts his life story, takes small jobs, has improbablesensual encounters, friendships and is deceived by morbid paranoia.

His desire for his cousin Meryem was the impetus for his exile.

His love for a young Spanish young student makes him accept all possible small jobs. The faith in his friend Bassam gives him a slim hope but will turn to wild terror.

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