Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Morocco Appoints New Young Diplomats

The Minister in charge of Moroccan diplomacy, Salaheddine Mezouar, has acted on the instructions of King Mohammed VI to improve benefits for members the Moroccan community living abroad by improving consular representation
Salaheddine Mezouar, Minister of Foreign Affairs

The minister has held a meeting with 31 newly appointed consuls-general in the different consulates of the Kingdom throughout the world.

As part of efforts to improve the services offered to the Moroccan community abroad, 31 new consuls -general are to be appointed in different countries, including France, Spain, Italy, Canada, Mauritania and Algeria. The latter will take office early next week.

Salaheddine Mezouar, said during a press briefing at the end of a working meeting with the new consuls-general, 80% of these new diplomats will occupy this position for the first time . While the remaining 20% ​​will be redeployed.

The Department of Foreign Affairs has also taken an innovative approach to the feminisation and rejuvenation of the consular corps. In November the ministry will allocate of 40 young civil servants from the various embassies in order to strengthen existing teams. The new appointees began a three-month stint of training in last August.

The Foreign Minister stressed that the selection of consuls-general was made on the basis of criteria such as competence, perseverance and sense of responsibility.

Salaheddine Mezouar has told the new consuls-generals that their main mission is to be of service and to listen to the Moroccans of the world. "We must adopt an open-door policy vis-à-vis the MRE," he insisted. "Your role is to solve the problems of citizens and not those of the central government," said he said, noting that the work of the central government is to support the work of consulates.

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