Sunday, February 05, 2017

"Fes Medina Woodblock Prints" Exhibition by Wick Williams

"Fes Medina Woodblock Prints" by Wick Williams opens at the ALIF Riad (6 Derb Drissi, Batha on Friday, February 10th at 7 PM and continues through until February 24th, 4:30-6:30 daily
"The medina is a vibrant collision of sumptuous architectural forms and social activities that grope, vibrate, and wrap around each other. By reducing each view to a duel of solid black and solid white, these prints explore the energy generated by stark contrasts. The Medina is rich and complex. The woodcut becomes a perceptive tool in finding focus and clarity in that complexity." - Wick Williams
Wick discovered woodblock printmaking as a young man wandering around Japan. Though a career in architecture distracted him from full-time printmaking, he has studied with Ron Wyfels at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and has been showing prints in the Philadelphia area for years.

While living and sketching in Fes (2013-14), he designed and cut this series of views in and around the Medina.


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