Thursday, February 16, 2017

Morocco - Africa's #1 Fish Producer

With its two maritime, Mediterranean and Atlantic seaboards, a coastline stretching over 3,500 kilometres and a maritime area of ​​about 1.2 million square kilometres, reputed to be among the most fish-rich areas in the world, Morocco has a very important fishing heritage

According to a report published recently by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Morocco has some 110,000 fishermen and aquaculturists. With $ 1.59 billion of export revenue, Morocco ranks first among fish producers in Africa and 17th worldwide, according to the National Fisheries Board (ONP).

Moroccan fishermen recorded catches of more than 1.35 million tonnes last year. It is the world's top sardine producer and, along with China and Mauritania, one of the top 3 exporters of octopus in the world.

Morocco, is holding the 4th edition of the industry forum, Halieutis Salon, (15-19 February) in Agadir.

The fisheries sector occupies an important place in the economy of Morocco. With catches of over 1 million tonnes, it accounts for between 2 and 3% of GDP, and generates close to 700 000 direct and indirect jobs. Moroccan exports of seafood accounted for nearly $ 1.59 billion, contributing 58% of agri-food exports. The sector's turnover has grown at an average annual rate of 5% since 2001.

Fact File: Production is...
  • 95% by 1,800 inshore fishing vessels and 14,000 small craft boats;
  • 5% by the offshore fleet of 356 vessels;
  • 2% by other activities.
The national production resulting from the landings of the inshore and artisanal fisheries is destined for:
  • 80% to supply the seafood processing industry with 305 units ashore.
  • 20% to the supply of fresh produce to the local market.
The seafood processing and processing industry gives birth to various processed products:
  • The canned goods ;
  • Semi-preserves;
  • Frozen products;
  • Fresh fish;
  • Flour and fish oil.
This industry accounts for 50% of Morocco's agro-food exports, ie 7% of its total exports in value terms.


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