Saturday, March 04, 2017

The Ultimate Moroccan Souvenir?

Visitors to Morocco are always on the lookout to buy something to remind them of their time in the Kingdom or to take home as a gift. Today The View From Fez team discovered the ultimate item - the Moroccan Camel Mug!

One of the mistakes many visitors to the Fez Medina make is to assume that everything is on display for tourists, while in fact over 90% of sales in the Medina are to Moroccans. However, in this case, we suspend judgment. A camel mug like this is just too rare and - er - exquisite, to pass by!

A few years ago we came across a turquoise and gold, plastic mosque alarm clock with flashing lights and squeaky call to prayer. It was, sadly, to good to last and by the time we returned with the cash to buy it, the last one had been sold to a Saudi businessman.  We hear that they are still available in Doha.

Turqouise and gold plastic Mosque alarm clock, wakes you up with the call to prayer

Help us in our search for the ultimate kitsch by sending send us your photographs.


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