Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Exhibition Fireworks For Former Fez Photographer

Photographer and former Fez resident, Paul Biehn, was in fine form last Saturday night at the opening of his exhibition in Arles, France

"Fireworks" is his spectacular new collection of works now showing at the Arles Yoga Studio until September 10.

"Fireworks give us access to dreams, emotions and hallucinations"

Paul said he had long held an affection for fireworks, "...which give us access to dreams, emotions and hallucinations." He took the photographs which are the basis of the series on Bastille Day, July 14, during the firework show over the banks of the Rhone river in Arles. He has further enhanced them by repeating specific patterns and printing them on large sheets of photographic paper. The finished results are abstract and intriguing, and there are echoes of Arabic design.

Last Saturday evening, Paul and partner Julia Mitton hosted a gathering of locals, including the mayor of Arles, Herve Schiavetti, chef Harry Cummins and his partner, sommelier Laura Vidal, who are about to open their third season running the restaurant at the Grand Hotel Nord Pinus. Harry and Laura are still remembered by many in Fez for their memorable stint running a "pop-up" at Resto 7, which they did along with Julia Mitten. Paul Biehn ran the Fez Cafe and held several exhibitions while resident in Fez, and still visits regularly.

Since Paul and Julia purchased the building in Arles a year and a half ago - a pharmacy which had not operated for more than 30 years - they have created a stylish, contemporary space suitable for yoga classes and a juice bar as well as exhibitions.

A contemporary space suitable for yoga classes

Set in the Camargue in southern France, Arles has long been known as a place for artists, with former residents including Van Gogh. Again it is becoming a major cultural hub, with the the Luma Arts Foundation, designed by Frank Gehry, due to open in 2018/19.

"Fireworks" can be seen until September 10 at Arles Yoga, 9 Rue du Palais, Arles, France. For further information, CLICK HERE.


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