Monday, June 05, 2017

Fes Festival 2018 Dates Announced

The 2018 24th edition of the Fes Festival of World Sacred Music will be hot - in every sense!
The dates between the 22nd and 30th of June can expect average temperature highs of around 29 - 30 degrees Celsius.
The Festival theme for 2018 is "Ancestral Knowledge" 

(The dates place the festival after Ramadan, which runs be between May 15th and June 14th)



  1. Gerard Kurkdjian posted on Facebook that he's back in harness with the 2018 Sacred msuic festival. Apparently he was invited back because the festival is in the doldrums. Let's hope he can reinvigorate it. If anyone can, Gerard is the man!

  2. Hi. Would Gerard be the person to talk to about the artist list for the Fes Musical Festival?

    I know a professional pianist who enquired about participating. She is a very high profile artiste and travelled the world touring so recordings, press articles can be provided.
    I am not sure where my starting point would be between Festival organisers and her Agent to explore if this is viable.
    Any suggestions would be gratefully received. Thank you. Twink

  3. How can I buy the tickets for the festival?
    Thank you,

  4. Hi, Alina!
    You don't need to buy tickets before your arrival to Fès. There is a pass for the whole festival (9 days) which costs normally near 300 € and also you can buy separate tickets for each show, which is more expensive if you want to attend most of the shows.
