Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Upcoming Administrative Reforms

Ask almost any Moroccan what it is that annoys them most about their country and most will reply, "the bureaucracy". Having copies of documents validated is often a time consuming event. However, the government has announced that it is about to change.

The government says that the forthcoming introduction of a new decree will give the power to every public administration to legalise and verify the authenticity of the documentation the spot. The measure, they say, aims to spare citizens from the obstacles associated with the present cumbersome administrative procedure.

Minister for the Reform of the Administration and Public Service, Mr. Mohammed Benabdelkader, has envisaged a number major reforms including the suppression of the requirement of legalisation of signatures and certified copies in the offices of local authorities. This measure will not negate the powers of local and regional authorities to provide this service.

The current procedure requires citizens to visit different legalisation units. Now, each administration will appoint a head of department who will entrust officials with certifying the veracity of the signatures. These officials will be responsible for verifying the authenticity of any document by affixing tan authentication stamp.


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