Saturday, September 09, 2017

Expressive Dance Festival in Fez

The eleventh edition of the International Festival of Expressive Dance will take place from the 15th to 18th of November in Fez. The festival theme is "when the body rises"

Initiated by the association "Babylon Cult-Art", the festival will see the participation of several artists and choreographic troupes from many countries, who will present shows featuring different types of dance.

This edition will be enhanced by dance workshops and the organisation of round table discussions, which will be facilitated by artists and researchers.

According to the organisers, this cultural event is a contribution to the animation and enrichment of the cultural scene of Fez but also a forum for the public to discover the art.

This event is also a space for encounters, artistic interaction and exchange between Moroccan choreographers and their foreign counterparts, and an opportunity to explore ways to enhance and develop traditional dances.

A databank on traditional and contemporary expressive dance has been created to help professionals, dance enthusiasts and body-culture enthusiasts to deepen their knowledge and develop their research in this field.


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