Thursday, September 28, 2017

Fez and Florence - Twin Cities?

A move towards a twin city partnership between Florence and Fez is a step closer

According to L'Economiste, Dario Nardella, the mayor of Florence (Italy), arrived this Wednesday in Fez. Accompanied by a delegation of businessmen, the 42-year-old was received by Driss El Azami El Idrissi, the mayor of the Moroccan spiritual and cultural capital.

The ambition of the two men is to reactivate the twinning between the two cities, first signed in 1961 under the leadership of King Hassan II.

"The aim of Dario Nardella is to make operational a decentralised cooperation," confides Abdelkrim El Meliani, honorary consul of Italy in Fez. According to him, "the mayor of Florence is interested in cooperation in the fields of culture and investment".

A workshop is scheduled tomorrow today (Thursday) between the heads of Chambers of Commerce of Fez and Florence. This will bring the visions of the economic operators of the two cities closer together. Meanwhile, the University of Florence is already a partner of the Euromed University of Fez.


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