Friday, October 13, 2017

Programme for Day 1 of Fez Sufi Festival

Under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the 10th edition of the Fes Festival of Sufi Culture runs from Saturday the 14th to Saturday the 21st of October, under the theme: "Sufism at the meeting of the Wisdom of the World: the road of Sufism from Morocco to India"

Homage to Al Shustari


4 pm: the official opening of the Festival at the beautiful Medersa Bounaniya.  The opening will be followed by  what the programme describes as "an artistic moment".

4.30pm - 6.30pm: Round table: "Sufism and the Andalusian paradigm" -  Medersa Bounaniya

8.30 pm: Original meeting between Farida Parveen and the songs of the Samâa of Fez - «Homage to Al Shustari; of the Divine Love, from Morocco to India »- Jnan Sbil Gardens.

Homage to Al Shustari

Abu-al-Hasan Ali ben Abdallah al-Nuymari as-Shushtari (Arabic: ابو الحسن الششتري) or Al-Sustari, was an Andalusian Sufi poet.


His poetry was designed to be sung, in songs employing simple monorhymes to praise God with everyday musical idiom,[ which won wide recognition beyond the hundreds of disciples in his own Shushtariyya brotherhood.

Many verses of al-Shushtari's poetry (62 short poems called "Tawshih") are identified in the classical Andalusian music that is today sung in Morocco and Algeria. In the Mashriq (the orient), he is mostly remembered today for his poem A little sheikh from the land of Meknes (Arabic شويخ من أرض مكناس, "Shewiyekh men-ard Meknes") a song which retains huge popularity.

Bangladeshi singer Farida Parveen

"The absence of Sufism in our society has been an open door to Wahabist ideologies" - 
Festival Director 
Faouzi Skali 

en français
16h : Ouverture officielle du Festival suivie d’un moment artistique
Medersa Bounaniya

16h30-18h30 : Table ronde : « Le Soufisme et le paradigme andalou » Medersa Bounaniya

20h30 : Rencontre originale entre Farida Parveen et l’ensemble des chants du Samâa de Fès - « Hommage à Al Shustari ; souffles de l’Amour divin, du Maroc vers l’Inde » - Parc Jnane Sbil

The View From Fez is an official Media Partner of the Fez Festival of Sufi Culture


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