Monday, December 04, 2017

Volunteering in Morocco - A Case of Black and White

It is well known that there are many organisations providing opportunities for foreigners to volunteer in Morocco. What is less well known is that there is a large volunteer sector in Morocco, run by and for Moroccans. Some are well established large organisations, while others are smaller

Recently,The View From Fez came across a remarkable group of young people who have formed their own volunteer group called The Black White Family. The name comes from the group's optimistic view that "wherever there is black in this world there is also white".

The organisers of the group, Amine Haoumi, Hamza Chlayh and Ayoub Elkoulali, have watched their idea of helping others catch on and now the Black White Family numbers around 70 young university students between the age of 17 and 25. The group, which started in November 2016 raised over 20,000 MAD in its first year.

"We have become one big family"

Oumaima Hanafi (19) says that they are like a group of friends who have "become like a family". Asked why she does it, she doesn't hesitate. "It makes us happy to make other people happy."

One of the first endeavours was to volunteer at the local El Amal orphanage, where they provided the children with food and clothes as well as spending time playing with them and making music. Also in their first year they raised money for surgery for a person who could not afford the medical expenses.

More than twenty members of Black White have donated blood at local clinics.

During the last Ramadan, Black White provided food for 8 families for the month as well as distributing food packages to impoverished or homeless individuals.

Boutaina Beroigui giving blood

In between raising money and volunteering at the orphanage, the members search out families in need. A recent excursion took them to the area around Ifrane where they discovered families living in structures covered in plastic. "There were no lights, or water, and the floor was bare earth."  Black White then provided solar panels to provide light and heating.  Next on the agenda is to donate a large tent capable of providing shelter from the snow.

Feeding women at a home for the elderly

One of the biggest problems Black White has is the issue of trust. Being only a year old and comprising only young people, many people are hesitant to donate. Hopefully this is something that will change in the future.

Donations of clothing, blankets and money can be made by contacting The View From Fez.

Delivering food and clothing in the hills!



  1. Thank you sir for your great words
    And for taking time to tell about us

  2. It is our pleasure. Keep up the great work.
